donderdag 2 december 2010

Leaving comments

We've finally figured it out- we had something checked off in the settings which meant you couldn't leave comments. We have since changed the setting, so please- don't be shy, and let yourselves be heard!
We're still looking for the setting to enable some sort of email to go out whenever we post, but up till now no such luck. So you'll just have to check regularly :)

3 opmerkingen:

  1. jahahaha joehoeh!!!! Fun to read your stories, love the monkeypictures. Enjoy!!! Kuskuskuskus

  2. Jaaaaaahhhhh gelukt!!!
    dan kan ik vanaf nu reageren, dus bij deze..
    mooi verhaal over de genoside, al is het zeer triest en bizar. het verhaal over het meisje met de kraanvogels roerde mij (it is in the profession) mooi verteld.
    dikke knuffels
